Page 65 - stari gradovi - 12_2_2013

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emains of the old town Hresno can be found next to river Glina, near village
Trnovi in Kladuša area. This town had many towers. It was rounded with wide
rocky walls and belonged to Topusko abbey. In the beginning of the 15
century Go-
vernor and Bishop Petar Berislavić pawned Hresno and all his property to Captain
Ivan Križanić. In the middle of the 16
century Gašpar Šubić handled this town and it
was guarded by 10 King’s soldiers. In 1584 the Austrian War Council made a decision
to leave Hresno, destroy it and to settle its guards in town Skrad on Korana River. In
the same year Ottomans' army burnt Hresno, so it didn’t need to be demolished. Since
then Hresno is deserted and uninhabited place.
14. augusta 1566. godine Ljubljana.
Pismo kranjskih staleža Luki
Radi se o problemu
plaćanja vojske na graničnom
području (vojska nije dobila plaću
već 2 mjeseca) prema
Osmanskom carstvu.
U njemu obećavaju da će riješiti
problem zaostataka plaćanja
vojske za oko dva mjeseca. Dug
iznosi oko 40. 000 goldena.
Izvod iz karata