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ihać is one of the rare medieval plain towns. By the sources for the first time it
was mentioned in year 1091 under the name “Island of St. Vladislav” and in 1260
under the name Bihać. Only two years later, in 1262, the Hungarian King Bela IV, by
the queen Maria, puts it in the position of free royal town. “Civitas Byhyg”, as this town
was called in the 14
century, is one of the rare that has maintained the continuity of
royal freedom until the 15
century. The devotion of its inhabitants and its own inte-
rests in this town the throne tried to insure by regular confirming of Maria’s privilege
from 1262, 1279, 1322, 1326, 1345, and 1358. The Head of the town was villicius whose
main function was judiciary. Under the authority of villicius were even the hardest
disputes about spilled blood. The next station for appeals was the Royal Court. Beside
it, there was a kind of city council-the legislative body formed by citizens under the
oath. They were called Jurats.
gore lijevo:
Bihać 1656.
godine, detalj
gore desno:
Pečat grada
Bihaća iz XIV
Plan Bihaća iz
1717. godine