Page 77 - stari gradovi - 12_2_2013

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he old town Ključ is settled on a steep stones by the left bank of Sana River. By
the sources it was mentioned for the first time in 1322 as the seat of Hrvatinić
family. Town has three parts: town, under town and camp of forwarded tower Ljubica.
All buildings were rounded with high ramparts on the north side and on the south
they were naturally protected with great canyon. Together with under-town these
buildings represent the oldest heart of the town, all together fitted into unique system
of ramparts. Camp between town and Ljubica is younger complex. Today it looks
Ottomans' even in base it is still medieval. Forwarded tower Ljubica was built in the
century and it was used for defense from enemy’s artillery. Ključ is place where
Bosnian independence has ended by captivation and execution of the last Bosnian
King Stjepan Tomašević.
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ključke tvrđave
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Ključ prije