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The fortress of Bihać as “The Rampart on Border” and “Key to Bosnia” was one
of the greatest and most important fortresses of Bosnian ejalet and most protected in
Krajina area through the Ottomans' period. By the official list of fortresses from 1616
it had 638 soldiers, from 1643, 828 soldiers and in the first half of the 17
century 1327
soldiers. With these forces four positions were defended: fortress, the tower on the
fortress bridge, watchtower passage and province. From the strategy sight the most
important was the tower on the bridge where was settled the captain of Bihać capta-
incy. Till 1878 it went under five huge sieges and the biggest siege happened in the 1697
in time of Vienna war. But it was never taken. Ten years after the Austrian-Hungarian
occupation in 1888, the fortress was crashed and the town joined urban area.
kula, crkva
sv. Ante i
drugi objekti
u historijskoj
jezgri Bihaća